
"Kasey Nicholson.... One of the funniest, hard working Indians in the funny business....."
– Ruben LittleHead, Professional Powwow MC.
Comedy for 10+ Years. Kasey Nicholson has also been doing comedy since 2010 when he first opened up for JR Redwater and Marc Yaffee. It was an opportunity that he found himself agreeing to on a whim and with no material to take the stage with, he delivered.
Without any experience and pure raw talent, Kasey stepped up and awed and entertained the crowd with his first ever stand-up appearance. With his first performance under his belt, Kasey gained confidence, experience and many more opportunities to provide comedy and the healing medicine of laughter to all. Kasey has been providing laughs to all types of crowds around Canada and the U.S.
Kasey has opened up and performed with comedy greats such as JR Redwater, Marc Yaffee, Ryan McMahon, Larry Omaha, Jim Ruel, Vaughn EagleBear, Tatanka Means, Adrianne Chalepah, Tonia Jo Hall, The 1491’s, Lukas Seely, Amir K., J. Chris Newburg, Tony Baker, Sean McBride, Mark Curry, Ben Gleib, Nick Guerra, Dolce Sloan and many other comedians across North America.
Kasey has headlined at casinos, conferences and community gatherings. Kasey was selected as a finalist to perform at the 2014 Red Nations Film Festival comedy competition at the Laugh Factory in Los Angeles, California.
Kasey has also been selected as one of the finalists for Montana’s funniest comedian 4 years in a row and just recently won the 2018 Montana Funniest Comedian Competition. Kasey has also won Missoula’s Homegrown Comedy Competition in 2017.
Kasey is one of the rising Native Comedian stars and looks to only gain more popularity and opportunities. Kasey has a one of a kind performance and will surely entertain you with his Rezzalicious humor and animated performance!